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Danish Label Coating A/S

After 32 years Danish Label Coating A/S (DLC) are closing its activity. Jørgen Clemmensen started DLC in 1993, since then DLC has built up a well-recognized knowledge on Polyuretan coating, also named “3D protective coating”. During these years, DLC has established a customer base, mainly in Scandinavia and Europe. Jørgen Clemmensen will soon be 80 years, why retirement is coming closer. Closing down of DLC will take place in a controlled manor, in a way that no customer will miss Polycoating. Jørgen Clemmensen established 20 years ago a company in Poland, named “Policon”. This company exercises exactly same technologies as DLC. During 2024 the Polycoat capacity is upgraded with new machinery, just as the capacity is enlarged, which means Policon is ready to take over the DLC customers. Policon is known for quality products and efficient communication. Policon have experience in handling exports. Company data: Policon Sp. Z.o.o Złotniki, ul. Prosta 25/27 PL-62-002 Suchy Las Poznan, Polen www.Policon.pl Mail: policon@policon.pl Tel. +48 61 650 70 90 CEO: Piotr Cebernik Your direct contact: Aneta Matuszczak Tel. Direct: 48 602 110 637 Mobile: 48 616 507 091 Mail: anetamatuszczak@policon.pl We would like to express our thanks for the confidence you, as our customer, have granted us during these years. We have tried to plan this shift in a manner that allows you to maintain the Polycoat service to your customers and are sure the new corporation will work perfectly. In case of questions DLC are ready to provide guidance during a transition period. DLC will be closing their production during February 2025.

Ausgeschnittene Texte

Alle Texte müssen vor der Produktion durch Danish Label Coating A/S überprüft und genehmigt werden...


PolyCoat™ ist ein glasklares Polyurethan, das auf gedruckte Etiketten, ausgeschnittene Texte und Paneele aufgebracht wird...

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Die Produktion und der Verkauf bei Danish Label Coating A/S (DLC) werden am 28. Februar eingestellt.

Die Schließung von DLC wird strukturiert, ruhig und geordnet ablaufen, sodass keine Kunden den Zugang zu Polycoating verlieren. DLC empfiehlt allen Kunden, zu Policon in Polen zu wechseln, das teilweise im Besitz von und entwickelt durch Jørgen Clemmensen ist.

Kontakt zu Policon:

Policon Sp. Z.o.o
Zlotniki, ul. Prosta 25/27
PL-62-002 Suchy Las
Poznan, Polen

Mail: policon@policon.pl
Tel.+48 616 507 090

Piotr Cebernik
Mobil: +48 602 352 330

Aneta Matuszczak
Direkt: +48 602 110 637
Mobil: +48 616 507 091
Mail: anetamatuszczak@Policon.pl

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